Friday, January 12, 2007

My Dream come true!

The hunger is out! As of two days ago, it is available online! I am selling it at! The down side is that at this point only one person has bought the book. The up side is that one person has bought the book!

I wrote an email to Dean Koontz asking for advise on writing and on making my book successful, it should be interesting to see if he responds!

More success stories as they come!

Thursday, January 4, 2007


We all have them. We all hide them. They are the truth behind the mask that we put on for the world. They are he hidden nuggets of gold in our sea of lies.
ISecrets. My secrets are simple. I will share them with you;
they are in plain site, if you know how to find them...
The only thing bigger than my heart, is my ego.

What is your secret?

I am not the perfect man I pretend to be.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

A Lack of Hope

I write in Blogs hoping some one will care what I have to say, knowing that with the vast space that is the internet, odds are, no one will see them. Sad, I know, but who knows. Perhaps God will read them and post a response.

I find it disterbing beyond words that the world is in the place that it is. The seven deadly sins rule the world with an iron fist. Nothing can be done to stop them as there are not enough people who are couragous enough to stand up and stop it.
