Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Your Children Are YOU...

Let me first say that I am not a parent, yet. Therefore, all comments in this blog are simply the observances of an observant man.

If you are a parent, everything you do is watched. Every smug phrase you utter, every profane word spoken, every vise indulged, everything you do, shapes your children. If you do a good job as a parent, your children will make wise choices and not grow up to be a clone of you. They will become a free thinker, and make their own decisions, knowing that all actions, and inaction's have consequences.

I believe smoking is a way for people to "deal" with stress. I choose not to smoke, simply because I do not ever want to have to deal with "NEEDING" a cigarette, or going through a "nici-fit". I believe that smoking is a sign of weakness. It is important to note here, that I am one of three children in my family, and both my parents smoke, and so do my siblings. This goes to prove my point: if you smoke, your kids will probably smoke.

As for drinking, I do so only occasionally. I don't drink to get drunk, but only to celebrate life events, and even then I do not see the need. I am not a slave to any real addictions with the exception of caffeine and sugar. My sister is a partier. She smokes weed, as do my parents, and drinks to party. Another point proven: if you drink away your pain, your kids will indulge the bottle therapy. My brother spent a year of his life on house arrest, with a mostly clean record until this point, due to alcohol and the choices it helped him make.

We are all accountable for our actions, but if you are a parent, than you are responsible for the actions and decisions of your children. Your actions show them the appropriate way to deal with situations. If you find yourself cussing out the guy who cut you off, don't be surprised or angry when your children use the fowl language that you taught them.

It all boils down to this: Think before you act. Sometimes we don't have the time to think through the consequences of our actions. Make that time. Children today are more disrespectful toward their elders than ever before. They are more self indulgent, more egotistical and more selfish than they have been in past years. The scary fact is that their parents form them.

The observances I have made here are, of course, not about all children, certainly not your little angel, but about many.

But hey, I am not a parent, so what do I know?

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Rage inside us all.

I believe that we all have a level of rage that boils just beyond the surface. To ignore it is dangerous. To ignore it is stupid. To acknowledge it, that is the only way to control it. We cannot control that which we deny. I believe that people are ready to snap, and just need that one little push to make it happen.... be afraid, not of others, but of yourself and what you can do.

Religion is a Scary thing...

I am an ordained Reverend in the Universal Life Church. How scary is that. If you are reading this blog, you surly have read my other posts.

Religion scares me. Think about it. What can start wars, end them, create poverty, fight it, and get thousands of people to follow the will of one? Politics. well, that and Religion. Who did Hitler go after in WWII? Jews. Religion.

Why do muslim extremists hate Americans? Because we do not conform to their religous beliefs.

Why did 9/11 happen? Religion.

Only religion can get people to do anything. And I mean ANYTHING! Look at the Branch Dividians in Waco, Texas. Look at the cult that followed Haley's Comet and commited suicide.


My Optimistic Quotes. You can Quote me...

  1. "The only difference between a dream and a goal is the ambition behind it."
  2. "The best inspiration comes when you stop looking for it!"
  3. "A person only becomes overwhelmed if they allow themselves to. No one can take your power away unless you give it."
  4. "A person's beliefs, morals, and convictions are what truly define their soul. To make the most of life, one must constantly stay true to all three."
  5. "How much happiness does holding a grudge bring?Do not forgive and forget. Forgive, heal, and move on."
  6. "The truest meaning of success is a realized dream."
  7. "Hopes and Dreams are what drive us. There comes a time that we must make our ambitions a top priority. Believe in yourself and anything can be done!"
  8. "Every day is a personal victory of life and growth! Take the time to celebrate that you have survived another day, year or decade!"

The Followers...

Today's Social Envoronment is Filled with Zombies...
People tend to go about their daily lives without asking the important questions. They do as they have always done, and never venture out of their personal circle of safety. They act as Zombies doing as they are told or as their minds have been formed to believe is right. Time to wake up!

The Follower Mentality is Everywhere:
The Corperate Ladder
The School System

Don't you owe it to yourself to make your voice be heard? Silence is not golden.
The follower mentality is the kind that tells you that diet soda is not only good for you but can help you lose weight. The truth is that Diet sodas contain not only addictive chemicals but also potentially harmfull ones. All you have to read is the label and you will get your answers. However, when you're on a diet, what is the first kind of soft drink that you grab when thirsty? Diet Soda.

No, This is not about the soda, but about the questions that you never asked and perhaps should have.

The Follower Mentality is the poisionous mentality that tells you not to question your government. It tells you that everything is fine, and the world is a happy place. Take off the blinders. The world is full of corruption both from greed and lies. Cover-ups are everywhere.

Interesting Fact: POLITICS
POLI= Greek word meaning "Many"
TICS= Blood sucking creatures



Compitition is forced on children at a young age, because in most cases, compitition breeds teamwork, which eleminates indipendent thinking and replaces it with a group mentality. If your independence and voice are lost to the will of the team, then what will do you have? What voice do you have?
Question what you are supposed to believe. Question control, and "protection". Protection from information is not protection, but a harsh control of free thinking. Stand out and make your voice and opinions heard! The only way to effect change is to first change yourself. Don't be one of the Sheeple. The real danger is in the hurd.
There are many forces out there that try to control your thoughts and opinions. It is a literal war for your individuality. Fight it. Fight for your freedom of speech, free mind, and the right to share your opinions!

What the Hell is Wrong with Society??

Obviously there are problems with our culture, from the state of education to social security. Here are just a few.

Our Kids...
The lazy video game society that have become grossly over weight and take no accountability for their actions. These are our children.
Today's kids accept no responsibility and would rather BLOG then write a letter. They would rather play a video game than a sport. They would rather eat a pizza when they have the munchies than grab an apple. Most are pampered to and have no sense of money or the value of it. They blame others for their actions even when illegal.
With their heads plugged into Ipods and MP3 players, they have no connection to the real world or the news that runs through it. In China, almost any child you ask can list the first five American Presidents. Can you? Can your kids?
Fun Fact: By the age of 13 most children have smoked pot, cigeretts, and/or have consumed alcohol and usually have had sexual intercourse more than once.
Isn't it time we teach our children some responsibility before they become morally and irreversably bankrupt?
Our Elderly...
The founders of our families. They have worked their whole lives only to struggle in retirement. Most live off less than $1000.00 per month only to run out of money at the end of the month.
Our Grandparents sit in "retirement communities" where they are ignored by their family, until they become sick.
Our Elderly preach how things were better in their day, yet have the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality.
They hate change, but after a lifetime of haveing to addapt to a rough society, who can blame them. So often our elderly feel like "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" and that they are too old to learn about computers and other new technologies, but they get up set because they havent seen new pictures of family or talked to them in months. They will tell you that they are "too old for that" and usually give you their age as an excuse, even if you never asked. If they only knew of the modern marvels of email and JPG pics. Everything is digital and our elderly citizens are too set in their ways, feeling like we owe it to them to adapt rather than adapt themselves. Maybe we do.
The "Working" Class...
There is a cult of ignorance that drives today's society. People are afraid to believe in themselves. They think that they are not smart enough or good enough to succeed at anything that they try to do in life. This is the ignorance that corrupts the American public. The generations before us were unafraid. They were not afraid to dream. Not afraid to take chances. Not afraid to fail.

So we sit at our medial jobs making minimum wage and thinking we'll never become anything more.


Though the general state of education in America is no where near where it needs to be, every American has the chance to go to college to better themselves. We cannot sit by and wait for society to change for us. We must take matters into our own hands and make the change happen.


There is no lack of jobs in America. There is only a lack of jobs that we are willing to do. There is a reason that immigrants are willing to risk their life for a chance for a future here. American business is looking for American citizens to work in the factories. To work in the restraunts. To work in construction. The gerneral American public is just to lazy to do the jobs that are out there.

If you want a good paying job, be willing to work for it. If that means persuing a deeper education or willing to work harder, you must be willing to step up. You get what you give.

Kitrina VS. 9/11

Since 9/11 happened first, I'll look at that issue first:
9/11 was unarguably the most uniting thing to happen on US soil. We all were effected by it, we all were touched by it, and we all remember where we were when it happened. I even have a "Remember 9-11-01" Tattoo on my left shoulder. People still refur to this as a "Post-9/11 world" and refur to time as before and after 9/11. Everything changed. From the way we travel, to the ammount of money our government spends on troops. From How the world viewed us to how we viewed our government. Everything changed.
Our government had an immediate response to 9/11, not only because the attacks had them as a target, but because they were attacks and that meant we had an enemy. Bush is all about the enemy. This isn't about Bush though, this is about the victims. Government officals were all over the news telling us what was happening. We were glued to our TV unable to look away from the horror that unfolded before us.
We held Telethons to raise money with every millionare celeberty on the planet telling us to give. Candle lit vigals and moments of silence around the world for those we lost. A dark chapter in American history, to be sure, But America was united. We all had a common hatred for those who did this to OUR city and to OUR capitol. At the time, we felt like there was nothing that our government could have done to protect us from what happened on that day, only now do we know that the government failed us on a massive level.
The worst natural disaster in American history. A year ago, a hurricane tore through the gulf cost and destroyed everything in it's path. The world watched as the levees broke and The Big Easy was flooded. I was so involved in my own life, and in my work that I didn't find out about it until five days later. Ironically, that is about the time that the government found out. Or maybe that's not when they found out, but that's when they reacted. They were too buisy figuring out who was going to foot the bill to fix the problem to deal with the bodies floating in the streets. The mayor and governer couldn't figure out who was in charge, so more people died as they argued. Our President was too busy pushing a war in Iraq to visit the devistated parts of OUR country. It's amazing to me that he took the time at that point to express his true feelings and we missed it. The citizens of those southern states did not miss it though. They knew fully well that their people were dying in the streets and Bush was doing nothing about it. The government passed the buck until it was almost too late. FEMA's fault, Bush's fault, The Mayor's fault, The Levees fault.
As for an out pour of American support for our fellow Americans suffering, it did not exist. I donated money to the Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund. Many others did too. I have yet to see one public telethon to raise money to help them rebuild. Not one. This was the largest loss of life in the history of this country, and people were too involved in their own lives to go down and help.
Some would argue that the American people had become numb to the horror on televised news because of 9/11 and the war in Iraq, so that is why we did not respond.
What do I think? I think that the difference was that with Katrina, there was no common enemy for us to hate. We could not place the blame on an individual because this was no one's fault. This was Mother Nature being a Bitch. I think that this was a mini repeat of biblical times. Look at New Orleanes before Katrina. The highest crime rate in the nation. The worst education in the nation. The highest murder rate in the nation. If you want someone to blame, blame God. he decided to wipe the slate clean and clean up our true Sin City. Maybe I am wrong but this is like a heavy full on version of Noah's Ark. Many innocent people died in Katrina, but 9/11 proved that it takes the loss of innocent lives to be a wake up call for us all. It woke me up. Are you awake? The government needs to step it up yet again. Prioritize.


Are Your Eyes Closed to the TRUTH? Do You Walk Blindly Through Life? Are you a FREE THINKER?
The world is controlled through fear and worry. Threats and voilations of our freedoms are everywhere. Every day we give up more and more of our lives, and most don't realize it. Most are "Sheeple" following the hurd, believing in safety in numbers. Wake up.
Ignorance is NOT bliss. If you don't know something, then ask questions, starting with why you didn't know. There is a reason that you aren't told certian things, and most times it is not because you don't need to know them, but that someone does not want you to know.
Information is empowering. Take back your power!


Finally! A Single spot to place my insane ramblings for my friends to sort through! After composing many sites, it is good to have one place to put them all. Here I plan to rant and rave, laugh and cry, bicker bitch piss and moan, and do any thing else I want!

Thank you for taking the time to check out my world, welcome to it. Now sit down, strap in, and get ready for one hell of a ride!